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 Passwords And Your Help Desk

Most help desk support personnel know it. It's a basic fact that over 30% of typical calls to your organization's Help Desk are password-related. After holiday weekends, and on Mondays, this statistic can approach the 75% level. In some cases, the user's password has either expired, or it has been forgotten. Sometimes this can spread across various platforms or applications, meaning one user may have to have a handful of passwords re-generated at one time.

In order to execute password requests, your Help Desk staff typically has to connect to various help desk program systems and applications over various locations. As a result, typical help desk calls are lengthened, and training for Help Desk personnel must be more expansive.

Special Authority
The Help Desk needs high level authority to issue password commands on most operating systems and applications. This can be a big problem, especially where environments are extremely secure, and Help Desks are not afforded such access. As a result, Help Desk personnel frequently have to call security staff as well in order to assure passwords are changed. The result is lost productivity from three departments instead of simply just one.

In cases where Help Desk personnel are asked to reset accounts and synchronize passwords for one user over various systems, a new problem can surface. Often, the user requesting the password change cannot recall every operating system and location in which he/she has access. This means the Help Desk operator must go through every operating environment and manually query to find out if the user should be granted access. To say this is a complicated task is an understatement.

Additionally, many Help Desks have no mechanism for auditing password request activity. It is also important, then, to have a way to automatically log who unlocked an account or reset passwords for what platform, for which user, and when.

An All In One Solution
NetMagic Pro is a perfect addition to your Help Desk software system, as it helps your organization avoid all of the issues above when approaching password management functions. It is one of the most cost effective tools we offer in our CRM consulting contracts. As a network based, enterprise wide password management software tool, it greatly improves help desk productivity levels. As well, it is deployable in a variety of configurations, which ensures it will fit into your IT environment, no matter how complex it is.

Read about NetMagic Pro Specifications here.



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